About Roundabout Rotherham Homelessness Service

Our service in Rotherham is commissioned by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) to provide support and accommodation services for young people aged 16 -25 who are experiencing homelessness or who are vulnerably housed. This service offers a pathway to young people to gain independent living skills and to be supported to achieve their goals and aspirations.
Emergency Accommodation – Roundabout has a 4 bed house based in Rotherham which provides emergency accommodation for up to 28 days. The house is furnished to a high standard and is staffed 24/7 so we can support young people at all hours, especially those who have arrived in an emergency. The house has a communal lounge and kitchen and shared bathrooms. When they arrive in an emergency, young people may have very little or no belongings so we provide them with essential items such as toiletries and food parcels. Whilst living here, Roundabout staff support young people to look at their strengths, examine how they can achieve their goals and discuss ways they can keep themselves safe whilst working towards independence. There is also a ‘cool off’ room for a young person who may need a couple of nights in a different environment.
Roundabout also works in partnership with Rush House who run a hostel in Rotherham, for up to 12 young people. This accommodation is staffed 24/ 7 and young people have access to activities and life skills to assist them with working towards independence.
Roundabout offers semi-supported accommodation in Rotherham for 12 young people, which is made up of shared houses and self-contained flats. All of the accommodation is furnished to a high standard. All young people are visited regularly at the properties and have an allocated key worker who supports them in their chosen areas to build confidence whilst working towards independence.
Roundabout also supports up to 50 young people who are in their own tenancies in Rotherham. You can find out more about this service on our Tenancy Support page.
Find out how you can make a difference to South Yorkshire’s most vulnerable young people, call 0114 253 6753 or email fundraising@roundaboutltd.org