Kyle’s Story

But that was when he discovered South Yorkshire youth homelessness charity Roundabout and its Talk It Out mediation service.
Talk It Out’s mediators initially work with a young person and their family members independently of each other, to help both parties clearly determine the issues and explore possible outcomes acceptable to them.
That then leads to the opportunity for everyone to get together to discuss problems and negotiate outcomes.
Kyle admits that without that level of support he might not be where her is now, studying counselling with Manchester higher education provider UCEN.
And he is currently aiming to transfer to the University of York to study for the degree course that would let him pursue a career in clinical psychology.
“I was put in touch with Roundabout and mediator Cheryl and it was with her help that I managed to resolve my problems,” he explains.
“The fact of the matter was that I didn’t want to live in my house any more – it was very hostile at times and I didn’t feel happy and I guess I was at risk of being homeless at that point.
“Cheryl helped me develop the mechanisms to deal with my emotions because I was lashing out a lot and would get really angry and really sad too but she helped me to regulate that.
“I got myself a safe space within the house where I could chill out and she helped me to appreciate that bad things do happen but that it’s okay to be angry or sad – she helped me to work on these thought processes.”
It was through Roundabout that Kyle was then introduced to counselling sessions, expanding on the themes he had discussed with Cheryl.
The Roundabout team also helped him as he prepared to move on from sixth form, assisting as he got to grips with the idea of being a student, living independently and things like dealing with his own finances.
“I had no idea what Roundabout was until I needed them but they really have made a difference and I wish I had accessed it sooner because I didn’t know this sort of support was out there.
“I’ve realised now that there are a lot of people really do want to help you because that’s a good thing to do.
“Thanks to them, for me as a person things really have changed – I have a lot more patience with my family and there isn’t as much pressure.
“And the really good thing is that Roundabout have said I can pop in any time I need to talk.”