Callum’s Story

“I actually come from Sheffield originally but it was only after I split up with my daughter’s mum that I decided to come back,” he says.
“I thought it would be best because I have family here but there was nowhere to stay so I was at a friend’s house for a bit and I was in shared accommodation for a while as I tried to get on my feet – and that’s where Roundabout offered help.
“Roundabout have played a big part in getting me where I am now, with a place of my own and a space for my daughter to come and visit me.
“It is hard when you have no money to provide for yourself but knowing that you have a roof over your head is a good feeling.”
The next big step for Callum will be finding the job that will increase the sense of stability and confidence that Roundabout’s encouragement has already provided.
“I have been struggling to find a job for quite a while and I am still claiming Universal Credit at the moment but I am trying to find work because I am not one of those people who are sat down and doing nothing.
“At the moment I would do anything so long as it was a job and I have literally just finished three courses – one in IT skills and the others in leadership and customer services.
“I’m going to get some more qualifications under my belt too and I’m waiting to start another course now but it’s real work I want and I’m not choosy – a job’s a job!”
At the same time Callum is also developing his interest in music, writing his own material and using social media to introduce to his work to a wider audience.
And that’s where a donation of clothing by Urban Outfitters really might make a difference to Callum’s prospects, giving him the confidence of a smart new look!