Get involved Business Partnerships

Role Description

At Roundabout, we love to partner with companies who want to help us to make a lasting impact on the lives of those we support. Partnering with us means joining a community dedicated to creating positive change and addressing a critical issue in our society.

We tailor our partnerships to each company’s unique strengths and interests, ensuring that the collaboration is rewarding, engaging, and mutually beneficial.

You can make a world of difference through corporate fundraising, providing essential resources and support that enable us to expand our reach, deliver vital services, and improve the lives of vulnerable young people. You have the opportunity to showcase your commitment to social responsibility, engage your employees in meaningful initiatives, and build strong relationships within the community in South Yorkshire.

Together, we can achieve remarkable outcomes and create a brighter future for those in need. Whether you choose us as your Charity of the Year, sponsor an event or support our work in other ways, there’s a place for your company to make a meaningful impact with Roundabout.

We are proud to support Roundabout, we feel it’s our duty to give something back and supporting young people in trouble is a no-brainer

Dave, Roundabout Corporate Partner
Corporate Partnership Pack

Our corporate sponsors

Find out how you can make a difference to South Yorkshire’s most vulnerable young people, call 0114 253 6753 or email